Wednesday 29 April 2015

One hundred and forty!

The Valedictorian, i've painted this model up as it will be my henchman for an upcoming beginners league that we'll be running at Cawa Girona.

Tuesday 28 April 2015


Three mindless zombies paintes up for ToMB2 month 3. I'm planning on trying them out in a game on thursday. Interestingly theres no option to hire these zombies into your crew, you have to summon them, and they count as walking corpse markers so can be used to summimon even more interesting things from!

Tuesday 14 April 2015


5 witchling stalkers finished, I still have to paint sonnia, samuel, the flame totem and my proxied witchling handler and then i'll be able to try out Sonnia Crid! Burn baby burn

Friday 10 April 2015


Lady Justice's totem, Scales of Justice, I'm not sure if this model will see game time, as its most useful action (in my opinion) needs an 11 to pull off, so it depends on how card intensive I find Lady J.

Thursday 9 April 2015


Non malifaux painting!

Finished the first of my British para platoons for FoW.
painting 15mm soldiers is quite a change from the usual 28-30mm models.

1 2 2

Another guild henchman painted, this time "The Judge" Painted pretty much the same as most of my Guild, so nice and fast.

Wednesday 8 April 2015


Made some progress on a platoon of FOW paras and finished this, a Brutal effigy for my guild. It should be an interesting add to my crews, especially my newly finished lady J.

Tuesday 7 April 2015


So apart from painting my ToMB2 models I also want to start trying to make an effort to start clearing my massive backlog of models still to paint. Obviously I'll be making the most effort on my malifaux stocks, but I'll also be doing some fow, 40k and fantasy at some point or another.

To start with here is my alt Lady Justice

ToMB2 Month 2

Ok so a quick resume of month 2, I haven't actually managed to play anymore games with McMourning (I was distracted by my guild!) however I will try to use them this week and see how having a second flesh construct works out.
For month 3 I've already bought the mindless zombies box so I'll work out the cost per mini and paint however many my allowance allows me :)