Friday 27 February 2015


Time for the big one! My stegadon with an engine of the gods on its back.


my general for the tournament tomorrow. A saurus old blood on a cold one


More skinks!!  My skink cohort of 26 models as Tetto'ekos bodyguard.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Monday 23 February 2015


More skinks!!!1!!1one!!

just 26 more of the little guys, a skink bsb, an old blood and half a stegadon to go and I'll have all my 1500points force painted.

Friday 20 February 2015

Malifaux Henchman

Last week my application to become a Malifaux henchman was approved by the folks at wyrd, as such I've been dedicating my game time to running demos, which so far have been a great success we've already increased the local player base from 4 players to 8,  and with multiple more getting very interested.

I got some great advice in the wyrd forums for running demos for new players..
simple crews with 1 master, 1 henchman and 2 minions. No upgrades and only the basic soul stone cache available to each master.
For strategies and schemes only using Turf war and assassinate as they represent the basic ideas without being too complicated and allowing the new player to concentrate on the basics.


Four more chameleon skinks done. Shown in the photo along with the first one I painted.

Now working on the stegadon as a break from painting skinks.

Wednesday 18 February 2015


And a second hanged for my Malifaux ressers, and a family photo of all my currently painted ressers.


Another 10 skink skirmishers finished.

Tuesday 17 February 2015


My fifteith model painted this year, and to celebrate I've even tried some simple highlights! a "the hanged" for my malifaux ressers, it's also part of my ToMB2 challenge.(I'm still waiting for my McMourning box to be delivered!!)


a 10 man Skink skirmisher unit. whilst these models are armed with blowpipes the tournament organiser has given me permission to use them as javalins.


My level 1 skink priest for my tournament army.

Paint an army in under two weeks?

On the 28th I'm taking part in a warhammer fantasy doubles tournament.
Due to my ally taking wood elfs(his only army) I'm quite limited in what I can take (skaven-bad choice of allies, Bretonnia- starting second always.. no thanks!) so I'm left with my lizardmen.

Lizardmen were my very first army 17 years ago when I started out in this hobby, and most of my minis date from around that time. over the last month I've managed to get a couple of games in with them to remember/learn how they play.

Now onto the painting bit... well my very very old minis are either green (humbrol  paints!!) or plastic grey. recently I've painted a couple of models and now I want to push to see how much I can get done in the next few weeks.

Heres a photo of how the army looks 17/2/15 at 10:00am.

Paint brushes ready?

Friday 13 February 2015

Number 38

My second dead doxy for my seamus crew.

On this one I cut away her umbrella as I want that to be something to differentiate dead doxies and rotton belles

Thursday 12 February 2015


Tonight I managed to finish painting the Lizardman special character Tetto'eko who I'll be using in a doubles tournament at the end of the month. I'm happy with how he turned out. I even tried some basic highlights on his cloak (not visible) which is a step forward for me.


And for number 36 it's a soulstone miner for the arcanist faction of malifaux, however I plan to make use of it with my C. Hoffman crew.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

My work table

It's an organised mess.

No, in reality it's a mess. I'm really considering some of those nice laser cut mdf shelfs for my paints, but need to have a look to see whats available (I paint with citadel, Vallejo, army painter so would need shelfs to accommodate the mix)


The last model for my hoffman crew.. a Warden.


Three canine remains for my ressers, these are also the first part of my ToMB2 project, I still have to paint the hanged, and more worryingly my mcmourning crew still hasn't arrived so will be in a rush towards the end of the month to paint that!


Ok here we go more stuff finished.

A dead doxy for my ressers.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Nothing more finished.. yet

Haven't had a vast amount of time to paint over the last week, however I have got a load of models on my table half done, so in the next day or so expect a lot more updates.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Malifaux 25ss

Played a quick 25ss game of malifaux this morning, which I managed to lose 4-2.

One thing to remember is to put all my figures back into the case. (I left loads of stuff at home)

Wednesday 4 February 2015


A chameleon skink for my lizardmen, I've decided to use some of the old one piece skink archers and kit bashing some of the new multipiece skinks blowpipe arms onto them to create these.
I took loads of photos and this is the  best of the lot, their camouflage must be too good for my camera!


Another rotton belle painted for my Seamus crew. Have arranged a game of malifaux for tomorrow morning, and due to time restraints it will have to be a low soulstone game... maybe the chance to try out my ressers?