Tuesday 26 May 2015

ToMB 2 month 3

Whilst I posted a finished photo of these minis about a month ago, I haven't managed to get around to writing a resume of month 3.

For month 3 I made use of a box of mindless zombies that I picked up. I've got 1,51€ left over from previous months and 20€ from this month.. so I could only "afford" 3 of the zombies this month. (The box works out at 6,3€ per zombie.)

Total spent: 18,9€ so i' ve got 2,6€ left over for month 4.

I'm really enjoying playing with McMourning (not so sure my opponents are enjoying him as much) And managed to win my first game without actually killing any of my opponents models, which was interesting.


I've hardly painted anything this month, mainly due to having spent my time working on a new table for malifaux.

However over the course of the month I have managed to finish 6 more skaven clanrats to add to my ever expanding unit of painted skaven.(most  of the army is only undercoated)