Friday 30 January 2015

ToMB 2

For some reason unknown to me I volunteered myself to take part in Tale of Malifaux Bloggers 2. This is an event that will last between 4 and 6 months, and will require every month buying and painting a set amount of minis (The first month 40gbp/53 euros, and every month after that 15GBP/20euros) more info can be found here... Clicky Click

I originally thought I would go with a McCabe crew for my Guild, however I've realised that I already have almost all of the models that I would need to paint for months 2-6 and strangely they're already painted!
So second choice... Ressurecctionists! I already own the Seamus box set which I'm painting up as a demo set to use in my recent application to become a henchman so can't use him for ToMB2 so onto my second choice McMourning! And as he's dual faction with my Guild I can also try him in his day job as the Guilds coroner.

As I'm awaiting my first months orders to arrive I can only share a couple of stock images of what I bought.

McMourning cost me 27.42Euros on ebay. The Canine remains 12.84euros and The Hanged 10.63 euros at

So from my starting budget of 53Euros for this month I've got 2euros 11centims left over for next month!

Now hopefully these boxes arrive quickly so I can get painting.

Monday 26 January 2015

27 and 28

Ok hardly any painting actually required for these two, but still they are now finished.
2 jungle swarms for my lizardmen army.

Friday 23 January 2015


Number 26! This time it's a Guild Death Marshal.

Looks like I'm going to sign up for a warhammer doubles tournament at the end of February so going to have to paint up some more of my Lizardmen for that.

Thursday 22 January 2015


To lead the unit of clanrats that i've been painting slowly.. a claw leader.
And a group shot of the unit so far, still plenty to paint to reach the 40 strong goal for this unit!


another 6 skaven clanrats painted, this time including the muscian.

Tuesday 20 January 2015


On a roll now...

18th mini painted, The Pale Rider for Malifaux.

Looking forward to trying out the model on the tabletop now. However as I want to run it as part of a "Hunting list" I still need to get Mounted and dismounted McCabe done...


Haven't managed to make much progress over the last week and a half, after a couple of days with a fever and cough I went to the doctor to find out I had managed to get pneumonia! starting to feel better now thanks to lots of rest and antibiotics.

models 12-17 are some skaven clanrats, hopefully now I'm feeling a bit better I'll be able to make a trip to the local GW store to pick up my copy of EoT: Thanquol.

Friday 9 January 2015


Zombie prostitutes!

is there any other reason needed to play Malifaux?

Madame Sybelle a henchman(henchwoman?) for the resurrectionist faction.


Ok 10th model painted.
This time a clanrat standard bearer for my warhammer fantasy Skaven army (excited about the new book coming so will probaly be painting more soon in the next week or so.)

Wednesday 7 January 2015

9 finished

Bete Noir of the Ressurecionist faction.

Number 8

And for number 8 i've painted a Guild Executioner, don't rrally kow in which crew I'll make use of this guy, but at least he's painted!

Monday 5 January 2015

Sunday 4 January 2015


Continuing with Malifaux models, but this time my first non-guild model .
Seamus a Ressurecionist master.

Saturday 3 January 2015

minis 4 & 5

Two clockwork traps for malifaux finished.

Now to finish anything else I need to pick up more basing materials..

3rd Model finished

Ok this time its  the old metal model of the Mechanical Attendant, C. Hoffman's totem.  

Friday 2 January 2015

Model 2

Second mini finished, today a Witchling stalker for my Malifaux Guild collection, got another two of these to paint, and when I get around to playing with Sonnia McCrid as a master I'll probably need a couple more.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Mini 1

First mini of the year, apart from just painting 365 models I also hope that over the year my painting improves from a very very basic level up to something I can be happy with.

Guild Lawyer for the game Malifaux by wyrd miniatures.


365 Days 365 Miniatures.

Happy new year! well here is my new years resolution of 2015.. paint one miniature for every day of 2015, hence the blogs name!

Now before I start a little bit about my wargaming interests..

I started out in the hobby around 17 years ago when a friend brought some space marines and orks into school. It didn't take long after that for my brother and I to split a warhammer fantasy starter set(5th edition) with me taking lizardmen and him bretonians.

So moving on a few years (and mulitple armies)  and I currently own 4 warhammer fantasy armies (Skaven, Bretonnians, Lizardmen and Slaanesh daemons) 3 warhammer 40k armies (Grey knights, Saim hann eldar and Mordian Imperial guard) A rebels x-wing fleet, A massive british flames of war army (mid and late war) and finally onto my latest game.. Malifaux. I've chosen to play Guild and aim to be able to play any option available to them, so despite it being a skirmish game will be a big challenge.

Anyway time to get painting..