Friday 12 June 2015


Two more mindless zombies that I finished last week, but have only just got around to posting.

Monday 1 June 2015


The first of three models towards month 4 pf ToMB 2.
Rafkin the embalmer!My first attempt ever to paint a humans eyes... I still need more practise but i'm happy with my first effort.

Now I'm really looking forward to trying him out alongside McMourning for even more poison fun.


More skaven clanrats finished.. Maybe sometime i'll be able to play with one unit 100% painted!

Another  5 clanrats and one of my most used weapon teams the poisoned wind mortar.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

ToMB 2 month 3

Whilst I posted a finished photo of these minis about a month ago, I haven't managed to get around to writing a resume of month 3.

For month 3 I made use of a box of mindless zombies that I picked up. I've got 1,51€ left over from previous months and 20€ from this month.. so I could only "afford" 3 of the zombies this month. (The box works out at 6,3€ per zombie.)

Total spent: 18,9€ so i' ve got 2,6€ left over for month 4.

I'm really enjoying playing with McMourning (not so sure my opponents are enjoying him as much) And managed to win my first game without actually killing any of my opponents models, which was interesting.


I've hardly painted anything this month, mainly due to having spent my time working on a new table for malifaux.

However over the course of the month I have managed to finish 6 more skaven clanrats to add to my ever expanding unit of painted skaven.(most  of the army is only undercoated)

Wednesday 29 April 2015

One hundred and forty!

The Valedictorian, i've painted this model up as it will be my henchman for an upcoming beginners league that we'll be running at Cawa Girona.

Tuesday 28 April 2015


Three mindless zombies paintes up for ToMB2 month 3. I'm planning on trying them out in a game on thursday. Interestingly theres no option to hire these zombies into your crew, you have to summon them, and they count as walking corpse markers so can be used to summimon even more interesting things from!

Tuesday 14 April 2015


5 witchling stalkers finished, I still have to paint sonnia, samuel, the flame totem and my proxied witchling handler and then i'll be able to try out Sonnia Crid! Burn baby burn

Friday 10 April 2015


Lady Justice's totem, Scales of Justice, I'm not sure if this model will see game time, as its most useful action (in my opinion) needs an 11 to pull off, so it depends on how card intensive I find Lady J.

Thursday 9 April 2015


Non malifaux painting!

Finished the first of my British para platoons for FoW.
painting 15mm soldiers is quite a change from the usual 28-30mm models.

1 2 2

Another guild henchman painted, this time "The Judge" Painted pretty much the same as most of my Guild, so nice and fast.

Wednesday 8 April 2015


Made some progress on a platoon of FOW paras and finished this, a Brutal effigy for my guild. It should be an interesting add to my crews, especially my newly finished lady J.

Tuesday 7 April 2015


So apart from painting my ToMB2 models I also want to start trying to make an effort to start clearing my massive backlog of models still to paint. Obviously I'll be making the most effort on my malifaux stocks, but I'll also be doing some fow, 40k and fantasy at some point or another.

To start with here is my alt Lady Justice

ToMB2 Month 2

Ok so a quick resume of month 2, I haven't actually managed to play anymore games with McMourning (I was distracted by my guild!) however I will try to use them this week and see how having a second flesh construct works out.
For month 3 I've already bought the mindless zombies box so I'll work out the cost per mini and paint however many my allowance allows me :)

Sunday 29 March 2015


My third and finak model for ToMB2 month 2. An alt plastic flesh construct, now I need to get some more games in so I can see what it's like hiring ine and summoning another.


Student of sinew. I had fun experimenting using a wet pallet to mix different colours for the skin  tone(I generally just paint with whatever colour comes out the pot!)

116 & 117

Part of my month 2 ToMB2 challenge two Guild autopsies made from two guild guards. the female has had a headswap for the zombie head from the ttb female kit.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Monday 16 March 2015

ToMB2 Start of month 2

I've had a busy start to the month so am only getting around to choosing my ToMB2 month 2 minis today, I have however received various packets through the post so have a selectiom of things to choose from, so with my total of 22euros and 11 centims(2euros 11 cents leftover from last month) I'm going to go with... 

The flesh gollum cost me 12euros 50 centims from a eminis and the guild guard cost me 7euros60 from the wyrd forums! (Ok they're cut off the sprue from lucius' box, but they're the same model!)

total spend for month 2:   20.60EUR

As I'm running McMouring I think a second flesh construct makes a lot of sense, and as for the guild guard... for ressers? you'll see!

I managed to finally try out my new crew last week with two quick 35ss games in one morning, the first against the Viks and the second Pandora. 
I ran the same crew for both games:
+Evidence tampering
+Plastic surgery

Zombie Chihuahua

+Those are not ours!

Guild Autopsy


Rotten Belle

Student of sinew
I managed to win both games, purely because neither of my opponents were expecting so much poison to be put out.

 The Pandora player quickly realised that sebastian was the key to the poison damage, and put a lot of effort into taking him out. 

 The Viks player managed to charge Mcmourning with Vik of ashes, flipped a red joker on damage on her second attack, leaving me with 1 wound,As McMouring still hadn't activated(and had no poison on him!) he activated next, Attacked ashes a couple of times(however the viks player flipped and cheated high cards to prevent me damaging her and doing some healing) , and then expunged the poison she had, cheating in a crow to get a flesh construct, in my next nurse wandered over and cast take your meds curing McMourning but leaving him paralysed .

Deployment vs the Viks.
That's a lot of poison(Green dice counting the poison)

Tuesday 10 March 2015


I played my battle for the forth round of a local flames of war league last weekend so I'm feeling inspired to paint up some 15mm WW2 models.
Starting of with Lt Colonel R G Pine Coffin.

I used him in a paras list for playing on a bocage table, however my artillery was so good (heavy naval gunfire and 8 25pdrs both with AOPs) that I won 6-1 by the end of turn 2. so my paras never even got into the fight.

Monday 9 March 2015

ToMB2 Month 1 finished.

Managed to finish all the models for my first months challenge!

All the time I'm trying to improve and have finally started to try out highlights in addition to washes.. and slowly but surely I feel I'm making little baby steps of improvement.

Now to try and get a game in with this lot and see what they can do.

I'm fairly sure that the hanged might have been an impulse buy that won't fit in with this crew, but in that case seamus will love them I'm sure!

I've got various new things on their way to me so when they arrive I'll choose what will be month 2.. it'll most likely a second flesh construct ;)


McMourning Box set finished!

Thursday 5 March 2015


Not really sure if this should count as one mini because it's so small.

McMournings totem the Zombie Chihuahua.


Finally getting around to painting McMournings box set, part of my ToMB2 challenge.. 4 days 7 minis, no problem!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

105 and 106

A couple more models for my Guild, An Exorcist and a second Austringer.

Friday 27 February 2015


Time for the big one! My stegadon with an engine of the gods on its back.


my general for the tournament tomorrow. A saurus old blood on a cold one


More skinks!!  My skink cohort of 26 models as Tetto'ekos bodyguard.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Monday 23 February 2015


More skinks!!!1!!1one!!

just 26 more of the little guys, a skink bsb, an old blood and half a stegadon to go and I'll have all my 1500points force painted.

Friday 20 February 2015

Malifaux Henchman

Last week my application to become a Malifaux henchman was approved by the folks at wyrd, as such I've been dedicating my game time to running demos, which so far have been a great success we've already increased the local player base from 4 players to 8,  and with multiple more getting very interested.

I got some great advice in the wyrd forums for running demos for new players..
simple crews with 1 master, 1 henchman and 2 minions. No upgrades and only the basic soul stone cache available to each master.
For strategies and schemes only using Turf war and assassinate as they represent the basic ideas without being too complicated and allowing the new player to concentrate on the basics.


Four more chameleon skinks done. Shown in the photo along with the first one I painted.

Now working on the stegadon as a break from painting skinks.

Wednesday 18 February 2015


And a second hanged for my Malifaux ressers, and a family photo of all my currently painted ressers.


Another 10 skink skirmishers finished.

Tuesday 17 February 2015


My fifteith model painted this year, and to celebrate I've even tried some simple highlights! a "the hanged" for my malifaux ressers, it's also part of my ToMB2 challenge.(I'm still waiting for my McMourning box to be delivered!!)


a 10 man Skink skirmisher unit. whilst these models are armed with blowpipes the tournament organiser has given me permission to use them as javalins.


My level 1 skink priest for my tournament army.

Paint an army in under two weeks?

On the 28th I'm taking part in a warhammer fantasy doubles tournament.
Due to my ally taking wood elfs(his only army) I'm quite limited in what I can take (skaven-bad choice of allies, Bretonnia- starting second always.. no thanks!) so I'm left with my lizardmen.

Lizardmen were my very first army 17 years ago when I started out in this hobby, and most of my minis date from around that time. over the last month I've managed to get a couple of games in with them to remember/learn how they play.

Now onto the painting bit... well my very very old minis are either green (humbrol  paints!!) or plastic grey. recently I've painted a couple of models and now I want to push to see how much I can get done in the next few weeks.

Heres a photo of how the army looks 17/2/15 at 10:00am.

Paint brushes ready?